Proposal Preparation (Pre-Award)
Looking for Funding
Funding opportunity searches and compilations covering a wide variety of federal, non-governmental and private foundation programs:
- InfoEd SPIN- subscription service requires access from UK account
- Grant Opportunities for Extension
- Proposal Development Office Funding Alert service
Funding opportunities from the federal government:
Internal sources of support for research
- UK Research Support Guide
- CAFE Proposal Steps and Responsibilities (last update: June 2021)
- College of Agriculture, Food and Environment (RAA) Research Activity Awards
- SE Center for Agricultural Health & Safety Prevention Feasibility Program
Preparing a Proposal
The CAFE Research Office, College Grants Officers, and the UK Proposal Development Office have a number of resources to assist you in in preparing your proposal package. Below are some tips and tools to get you started.
- Notify your chair, department business support people, and college grants officers of your intent to submit
- Communicate with Research Office to request assistance, especially regarding large, multi-institution or multi-investigator proposals
- Communicate with the Proposal Development Office to request services
- Request Proposal Review and Editing Assistance
- Collect required documents (i.e. current and pending, biographical sketches, facilities and equipment) and letters of support/commitment:
- Cover Page- see OSPA Useful Proposal Information for official applicant identifying information, F&A rates, etc.
- Biographical Sketch Forms:
- Conflict of Interest
- Current and Pending Forms
- For help with facilities descriptions
- Complete or update Disclosure of Financial Interest
- Update or submit any protocols for use of human subjects (including surveys) or animals- Office of Research Integrity
- Potential Collaborator Locator
- Search for Awards made to UK- Sponsored Project Information Files(SPIFi)
- Additional Grant Writing Guides and Tips
- Communicate with the Proposal Development Office to request services
Developing a Budget
- OSPA Budget Overview
- Budget Development Guidelines
- Facility and Administration Costs
- UK Cost Share Policy
- Unallowable costs for federal agreements- Cost Guidelines for Sponsored Projects
- Including Items normally part of F&A (i.e., computers, clerical help)- Cost Accounting Standards
- Budget Spreadsheet Templates
Completing Electronic Internal Approval Forms
- eIAF Training
- Accessed through MyUK
- Quick Reference
- Detailed Instructions - includes screen captures
- Tracking an eIAF once the PI has certified
College policy on proposal submission: To help ensure adequate time for review by the college grants officers (CGO), Chairs, and Associate Deans, the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment requires submission of the completed proposal package and PI-certified electronic Internal Approval Form (eIAF) with required attachments to your CGO no later than five (5) business days prior to the sponsor's deadline. Proposals requiring approvals by multiple departments and/or colleges should allow additional time for eIAF routing.
Office of Research Integrity
- IACUC UK Home Page
- IACUC Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines
- IRB Overview
- Nonmedical IRB:
- Medical IRB:
Outreach activity development:
Identify collaboration opportunities with community and outreach resources:
Recruitment of participants:
Finalizing Your Application Packet
- Example Proposal Checklist
- Examples
- Face Page - see sample
- SF424A - see example
- R&R - see example