
CAFE Research Faculty Awards


  • Thomas Poe Cooper Research Award (Nominations coming until 7.31.2024)
       coming soon / Recipients

CAFE Research Student Awards

2023-2024 Richards Graduate Student Research Activity Award (see DGS) Closed 

2023-2024 CAFE Undergraduate Research VPR Funding Program Closed 

NIFA - USDA Funding Resources

Other UK Forms

  • KAES Manuscript Clearance Forms are no longer required.

Beginning 11/15/18, the Research Office will no longer require manuscripts associated with Hatch, Multistate, McIntire-Stennis or Animal Health project to be approved and assigned a number by the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station.  However, it is important that faculty continue to properly acknowledge capacity funding support in all publications including journals, posters, websites and presentations resulting from effort, equipment, supplies and other expenses paid for through capacity projects.  

When acknowledging USDA capacity program support, the following language should be used:

  1. “This work is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture,
  2. U.S. Department of Agriculture, [insert project type, e.g. Hatch/Hatch- Multistate/McIntire-Stennis project]
  3. Program under [insert accession number*].”

*Note: Accession numbers for all projects are listed by department at

When work is supported by multiple sources of funding, all should be acknowledged.  Works supported entirely by other funding do not need to include this acknowledgement.

(The links below are for reference only; for active forms, see above)

Awards Archived

2023-2024 Richards Graduate Student Research Activity Award (see DGS) Closed 

2023-2024 CAFE Undergraduate Research VPR Funding Program Closed 


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