North Farm
The North Farm is located north of Lexington, Kentucky, next to Newtown Pike, Iron Works Road and Georgetown Road (see site map). The North Farm resulted from the merging of Maine Chance Farm, Spindletop Farm and a portion of the Coldstream Farm. The land mass of the North Farm is approximately 2,400 acres, which provides a vast array of teaching, research and extension opportunities for the faculty, staff and students of the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture.
Currently, the North Farm research revolves around initiatives, projects and programs in the departments of veterinary science, animal and food science, plant and soil science, biosystems and agricultural engineering, and entomology. In addition, the North Farm is an integral part of the Equine Initiative, and the Equine Campus is located on the North Farm.
Water Quality has been a major thrust the past several years with emphasis on improving the quality of water in streams on the North Farm, which is located in the Cane Run watershed. Set-backs and “no mow” zones have been established along the streams. Trees have been planted in the “no mow” zones along the streams. In addition, some stream crossings have been closed to vehicles and animals with new construction of environmentally friendly stream crossings.
The North Farm facilities provide outstanding resources for extending the classroom for many students who participate in field trips, laboratory exercises, judging team competitions, and other events, adding to the undergraduate understanding of course concepts. Additionally, many students are employed on the farm as part of the student labor program, which enhances their college learning experience.